Emergency Dental Care in Santa Barbara, CA
Emergency Dental Care
A dental emergency is a serious oral or dental issue that requires immediate medical attention. Dental emergencies can include trauma, injury, disease, infection, or illness affecting the teeth, gums, soft palate, jawbone, or parts of the face. Tooth loss or a severely damaged, injured, or infected tooth can also be considered a dental emergency. Without emergency dental care, the problem could quickly get worse and threaten your overall health, or cause permanent deformity. Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS, and his team offer emergency dental care in Santa Barbara, CA. Call us today to learn more or to make an appointment for emergency dental care services.

What Is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is a problem that requires immediate dental care or medical attention. You are experiencing a dental emergency if you have a life-threatening oral or dental problem causing severe pain accompanied by swelling and/or fever or could result in permanent scarring or deformity. For instance, a toothache may not be a dental emergency. But if a toothache is accompanied by a high fever, significant swelling, pus, neck stiffness, or a severe headache, it is a dental emergency.
When Do You Need Emergency Dental Care?
If you are having a dental emergency, you must immediately contact our emergency services line. Dr. Stratford-Jones will give you specific instructions, which may include coming straight to his office for an exam and treatment or going to the nearest emergency room or urgent care center. You need dental emergency care if you have:
- A broken, damaged, or knocked-out tooth.
- A high fever related to oral or dental pain.
- Jaw trauma or injury.
- A severe infection or dental abscess.
- Severe dental, oral, or facial pain without an obvious cause.
- One or more teeth that feel loose.
- Blood from your gums or mouth.
- Any other oral or dental condition affects your safety, overall health, or well-being.
What Procedures Are Performed In a Dental Care Emergency?
The procedures Dr. Stratford-Jones performs will depend on what the dental emergency is and how severe it is. Dr. Stratford-Jones will always consider the least invasive, most conservative approach first in order to spare you the risk of complications or side effects. His primary goal is pain reduction, followed by addressing bleeding, trauma, infection, and tooth loss. The most common emergency dental services he performs are:
- Pain management and administration of dental sedation or non-opioid pain medication.
- Tooth extractions.
- Dental fillings.
- Temporary restorations like temporary crowns.
- Replantation of a knocked-out tooth.
- Antibiotics and infection treatment.
- Root canal therapy.
- Splinting.
What Are the Most Common Types of Dental Emergencies?
Understanding the most common types of dental emergencies will help you determine if you need to visit Dr. Stratford-Jones for emergency dental care. These are the most common emergency dental problems we see in our office:
- Severe tooth pain without cause.
- Fever, bleeding, and swelling of the face, cheeks, or gums.
- Exposed nerves.
- Teeth that have been knocked out or have fallen out.
- Loose or missing fillings or crowns.
- Infection or abscesses.
- Something stuck between the teeth or in the gums.
Benefits of Emergency Dental Care Services
The biggest benefit of getting emergency dental care is that you will prevent your problem or injury from getting worse and avoid complications, infection, severe illness, deformity, and even death. Other benefits of emergency dental care are:
- Prevent tooth loss.
- Avoid the situation getting worse and more serious or life-threatening.
- Protect your overall health and well-being.
- Eliminate pain and discomfort.
- Treat infection and swelling.
- Save your natural teeth and prevent damage to your dental work.
- Avoid serious complications like permanent tooth loss, severe infection, deformity, and death.
Why Choose Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS
Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones, DDS, and his team are compassionate, knowledgeable, friendly, and experienced. We strive to make our office a welcoming, comfortable environment, even for patients with dental fear and anxiety. We take a highly individualized approach toward dental care and focus on patient education and preventive care. We build strong, personal relationships with our patients and treat them with honesty, integrity, and respect. Our goals are to find the fastest, safest, and most effective solution to any dental issue and help our patients improve their overall dental and oral health. We specialize in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and periodontics. We offer orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign, and specialized services like TMJ treatment, bruxism treatment, sleep apnea treatment, oral maxillofacial surgery, oral cancer testing, reparative care, and more. We maintain a high standard of excellence, and our highly trained and skilled clinicians will work closely with you to give you the services you need in a calm, comfortable environment.
Contact Us for Emergency Dental Care
If you think you are experiencing a dental emergency, call our dental-emergency dental care line right away. Dr. Stratford-Jones or one of his associates will evaluate your problem quickly and tell you what steps to take next. We work fast to evaluate and resolve dental emergencies and minimize your pain and discomfort while preventing complications or further injury. Call us today if you believe you’re having a dental emergency in Santa Barbara, CA.