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Quality Dental Financing Options

As Santa Barbara, CA’s leading dental practice, your oral health is our priority here at Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS. As an essential component of your overall well-being, obtaining quality dental work shouldn’t come with sacrifice. That’s why we provide flexible dental financing options that help our patients achieve the quality care they deserve.

A Man With a Warm Smile Represents the Welcoming Atmosphere of Dental Services in Santa Barbara, CA

Financing Dental Work Made Simple

Dental work is crucial to your overall health and well-being. However, maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile comes at a cost. This expensive barrier can sometimes keep patients from tending to their vital oral healthcare needs. To combat this issue, Jeffrey A Stratford-Jones DDS makes financing dental work simple and convenient.

Flexible Financing for Dental Treatments

At Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS, we’re proud to provide outstanding dental care at affordable prices. In addition, we offer payment plans through Cherry Financing and CareCredit.

Personalized Service You Can Count On

We understand that each patient has unique restraints when financing dental work. As such, our financing options are custom-tailored to accommodate each patient, regardless of their current financial standing. Our goal is to create a solution that makes essential dental treatments affordable and accessible for all.

Benefits of Dental Financing

Dental financing can make a huge impact on your oral health. Some of the leading benefits of our dental financing service include:

  • No treatment delays due to financial restraints
  • Straightforward application process
  • Flexible and manageable payments
  • Payment plans designed to suit your needs
  • Low-interest rates
  • Greater oral health and a happier smile

Convenient Payments for Our Services

When it comes to managing your finances, convenience is imperative. Our dental financing plans are designed based on what is comfortable for you. You are in control of your payment times and your method of payment to ensure a smooth, stress-free experience that allows you to focus on what matters most.

Treatment Plans You Can Trust

Transparency and honesty are at the core of our values. Our treatment plans include nothing more than what our patients’ needs and concerns call for. We take pride in our credibility, ensuring that each patient feels comfortable when choosing Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS as their trusted dental treatment provider.

Types of Payment Options

At Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS, we accept cash, personal checks, and most major credit cards. In addition, our office works with most dental insurance companies. Our dental financing comes in if your treatment plan requires more comprehensive dental work. We’re here to help you with financial arrangements that work for you.

Dental Financing Process

We make dental financing straightforward. Contact our team to discuss your treatment plan and estimated costs, and we will set up a Cherry Financing  or CareCredit application. We understand that dental treatments are essential. As such, we promptly secure approval so you can get started with the care you need.

Receive the High-Quality Care You Need

We’re more than your local dentist. We’re your partner in optimal oral health. Our dental financing plans are another way we demonstrate our unwavering devotion to the highest-quality dental care. We understand the challenges of paying for dental services and are here to make it easy, accessible, and tailored to your needs.

Choose Jeffrey A. Stratford Jones DDS

Beyond our dental financing options, Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS is renowned for its quality dental services. As industry-leading dental professionals, we offer customizable dental solutions to suit our patients’ unique needs, goals, and concerns. From general to restorative dentistry, dental implants, and cosmetic enhancements, we have you covered with excellence.

Contact Us for the Care You Need

Secure the trusted dental care you need with Jeffrey A. Stratford-Jones DDS. As Santa Barbara, CA’s leading dental practice, our dental financing options are the first step towards your most healthy and radiant smile. Contact us today to get started and discover the ease of quality dental care and flexible dental financing.

Solutions for All Your Dental Needs